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How to get to :
By car :
Hightway southbound : Take Tingchin System Interchange and then the right lane towards Zuoying(at the exit of 362KM).

  • Hightway northbound : Tingchin System Interchange and then the left lane towards Zuoying (at the exit of 362KM).
  • Go to Dajheng Road to the end, through Chihua tunnel, turn right at Chihua Road, turn left at Jhonghai Road, turn right at Junxiao Road, and then you will arrive at our hospital on your leftt.

By bus :

  • Kaohsiung City Bus: #29, #39, #218, #245, #8015, #8017, #R53 to Zuoying Armed Forced Hospital.




view:2,288updated date:2024-06-25
view:2,288updated date:2024-06-25