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Starting Feb. 7, Taiwan to ease entry and quarantine requirements, lift saliva PCR testing on arrivals from China at airports/ports; arrivals still need to undergo 7-day period of self-initiated prevention and only need to take rapid tests if they have symptoms


On January 31, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that, effective February 7, 2023 (scheduled arrival time), the saliva-based COVID-19 PCR testing requirement at airports/ports for travelers arriving on direct flights from China and those arriving through the special travel arrangement for Kinmen and Matsu residents will be lifted. The CECC will also end a rule on February 7 that requires travelers arriving from China who transfer through Hong Kong or Macao to present a PCR test result from within 48 hours prior to boarding their flight at the place of departure or a rapid test result from within 24 hours of boarding.

Additionally, the CECC pointed out that, effective February 7, inbound travelers would be able to collect only one free at-home rapid test, instead of four. Inbound travelers will only need to take a rapid test if they develop symptoms during their seven-day period of self-initiated prevention. Those who need additional rapid tests can purchase them at pharmacies or convenience stores/retailers selling rapid tests.

Source from : https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/Detail/qibdRsmjG-eELfL3o8PBuA?typeid=158

view:3,083updated date:2023-03-17
view:3,083updated date:2023-03-17